uh, we're certainly getting ther oh, hey, next week, my ex is taking my daughr to see his parents, soou can spend the whole weekend in bed. (chuckling) that sounds great. i'lleave myself alone till then. oh, ohoh, wait, wait-- uh, uh, next weekend? uh, uh, you know, uh, i'll have to check, t i-i-i think saturday is a-a working saturd for me. oh, no. rely? yeah, yeah, it's unfortunate, saturday is no longer the sabbath for anybody excepterhaps very religious jewish people. you kn, the guys with the beards and the hats? did you see yentl? i love that movie. that's one i wouldn't mind owning. alan, are you seeing another woman? why would yo ask me that? i just need know i can trust you. yeah, well, trust is a two-way street. i know. do you? because without trust, all we have is s. well, you can trt me, charlie. god, i hope so. i've been hurt before. aw... welli won't hurt you. i promise. okay, then. (scoffing): another woman?! yeah. you think i'm involved with another woman? yeah. you actually think i'm seeing someone else at the same time i'm seeg you? yeah. how did you know? (pne rings)