how do you know what sopek told me? that was a secure transmission. sopek is the senior vulcan officer in the sector. naturally, we keep him under close surveillance. we've been monitoring all vulcan transmissions and ship deployments since the incident at p'jem. we know they're preparing for a war against us. i'm no fan of the vulcans, but they're not warmongers. there's already a war going on several rebel factions here e ties are working to overthrow their government. to your peace-loving, logical friends. so, you and the e bels figure you both have a common enemy. the hostage-takers have no plans to return your captain or the female. once you deliver the weapons, they'll be killed. with the downtrodden here. you tried to kill us last time we met. why are e u trying to help us now? i haven't... slept well since our encounter at the vulcan sanctuary. i don't like being indebted to anyone least of all your captain. you're right. you never would have found that spy station without his help. once he's free, my debt will be repaid in full. show them. yo