staff that have been instrumental in helping us pull this together and also my legislative ai sophia kitler who has been the point person on this process. just want to say thank you, sophia in the back of the chamber. thank you for your help. if anyone has any questions, comments or complaeins, ee soall right. that was amouthful. all of these dates are going to be publis on the website so that if you need to refer back, that it is available to you. now, moving on, we just wrapped up items five and six. now we are going to pivot and go into the highlight of the day, and that is our department presentation. just as a reminder, everyone, please remember to keep your presentations to five to seven minutes. we will dive in after your presentation with more thorough and thoughtful questions. first, we're going to hear from the san francisco unified school district. i believe ben rosenfield's going to be presenting on this. with you heard this two weeks ago at the may 30, presentation. all right, ben, you're up. next after ben, we'll hear from the civil service commission, michael brown. >> you ar