, the place where the temple once stood, built at the expense of the holy righteous princess sophia slutskayae went to pray and here in the sorogs, according to legend, she was born presumably on that the place where st. michael's church now stands during the life of st. righteous sophia of slutsk, a church was founded in honor of the holy great martyr, george nosets, in honor of her ancestors from the alekovich family, three previous generations of the family were headed by princes named yuri on church georgy. today, two temples rise at once in this place - a temple in honor of the holy archangel michael and a small church in honor of the nativity of the prophet the baptist. church of the lord john the baptist. outwardly, they are similar in architecture and form a single tamble; the walls are made of glued beams; both churches are covered with red-brown gable roofs; the altar part of the roof of st. michael's church has a complex multifaceted shape. each church has three dark brown onion-shaped domes topped with gold crosses. the church of john the baptist has only one entrance on the weste