sophia rosenfeld is the walter h one and berg professor of history at the university of pennsylvania. she is the author of several books, including the forthcoming "choices we make: the roots of modern freedom and she is the author of "common sense in political history." sophia's articles and essays have appeared in the american historical review, the journal of modern history, william and mary quarterly, as well as the new york times. the washington post, the nation and dissent. at penn, sophia teaches intellectual and cultural history with special emphasis on the enlightenment and the legacy of the 18th-century for modern democracy. each of these subjects are explored in her recent book, "democracy and truth: a short history." which was published by 10 press -- pen press and provides the basis for today's talk. "democracy in truth" provides historical context for this contemporary moment. though it is only 176 pages, which is incredibly short for historians -- [laughter] jay: the book, which will be on sale in the rotunda after our event, provides a deep historical analysis of the c