. >> commissioner, sophie hayward and the version that we included in the pact includes the amendments proposed by supervisor weiner which is base and the two ordinances adopted by the h.p.c. in october and november of this year. the department opted to distribute the comprehensive version and we have distributed the articles approved or adopted by the h.p.c. and i brought hard copies that i can make available. and the presentation today includes an overview of the topics address bid the h.p.c. and supervisor weiner and highlight where is there are differences between the two and we present the department's recommendation that the amendments be adopted with two modify indicatings. one is substantive and one the typographical in nature. the proposed ordinance would significantly amend article 10 and 11 and remove the language and for rezic dagss, re-- designations and appeals and economic hardship and fee waivers, community input for historic district preservations