it would be impossible for me to show you all the defying vascular but to give you a taste is sophie lauren in paris with a gentleman wearing a very important rubin i didn't and a diamond necklace and claudia wearing a 66 carrot pear-shaped diamond drop and another actor wearing a loaned magnetic necklace. if it's set with 7 large columbine emerald over 1 hundred and 87 carrots. it's known in bully as the 7 wonders because it was and still is considered one of the finest jewelers every created. it's wonderful for the 7 emeralds perfectly matched in size, shape and a color. it was sold in the 1960s to a wife of a italian industrial i thought and brought back for the collection. now what you've seen from the jewels that the bully jewels i've shown they continue to be independent to the high trends of jeweler. they were mount in platinum and the colored gives me were employed individually in association with the diamonds and not combined with other colored give me stones. emerald were mounted that diamonds and rubbing i didn't see were mounted with diamond and so forth. there are some rather h