director of radio free asia as weak as service and our start is an attorney and advocate and sophie richardson is china director of human rights watch all 3 guests are based in washington d.c. welcome to i guess i have to say that we also asked chinese government officials to join us they declined but they responded immediately they sent us quotes from the foreign ministry of spokespeople who for ready made quotes and comments in different news articles it is really good to see you again this is a difficult topic for us to to wrestle with because why why we still talking about this year's. years later let me show you one china government official's response to a lot of the increased knowledge about what is happening to the week is in china picture number one wake up people as seen by the general public in their daily lives up in china picking up a 2 week of people inching jiang while china by the western media amid the intensifying saunders' against china well not john but you know what do you say hey this is supposed to rely think china well what are you saying here that the great picture by