sophie sam, felicia angular,... >> hello. name is muriel and i am here with faith in action. i have grown up in this city and have seen many changes throughout the years. what i see happening right now is the city does have great wealth, but those who are profiting from the wealth are not the families who work two or three jobs every day to survive, that the c.e.o.s and executives of major corporations and tech companies -- the low income and middle income families who are truly the heart of this city are having to leave. small businesses, many of whom have spent their lives building their businesses are being shut out. this is immoral, to say the least. the low and middle income families have paid their dues and it is now time for the corporations and tech companies to do the same. i come before you today to ask that the corporations and tech companies, with your help, close the loopholes that enrich their profiting greed, and i ask that you support supervisor mar's proposal. thank you. >> thank thank you. next speaker please. >> first of all, i want to let you know that the