sophocles wrote some 120 plays in his lifetime, but only 7 have survived. when his first play was chosen for competition, he was in his early 20s and he won first prize. his last play was written when he was 90 years old. sophocles was an artist of the noblest genius, whose art transformed the severe truth of life into theater reality while tempering it with the beauty of poetry. standing at the very apex of the golden age of greece, he was recognized by his contemporaries as one of the glories of that epic. from aristotle's discourse on tragic drama, from the existing plays themselves and from the ruins of the many theaters scattered throughout greece, the aegean islands and asia minor, scholars have developed various theories about the origin of drama. most agree, however, that drama began as a celebration of spring, a ceremonial right of sacrifice to dionysus, the god of vegetation, fertility and wine. on these joyful communal occasions, a chorus of men, dressed in goat skins, danced and sang songs, leading a procession through the city streets to a spot