everyone from duke ellington, soren neil hurston, langston neil hurston,a langston hughes, count basiee there and stay there because they could not stay in hotels in denver during that period of history. so over time, after desegregation, a lot of the african-american institutions fell into disrepair and were sold off into different parts. and now we have developed a wonderful program that serves our community in so many different ways. 6000 inner-city kids every summer come to the ranch. we also give to about 200-300 wounded veterans every year. in the winter, though, when the ranch is pretty much shut down, one of the things that we identified -- my wife identified this -- that there are programs, one is called together we rise that we partner with, that actually handles aging out foster kids. so now we have built at the ranch a 16-bedroom ranch house and we can host up to 30 kids during the holidays. so we host them and do fun activities. david: you are a big fly fisherman. robert: i love it. david: tell me what the appeal is. because you have a big brain and you're trying to outsma