and so, a humble, quiet, who felt sorryro for a white woman has had to put his words against two whiteple. they have wanted you to go along with them with cynical confidence that you can go along with their evil assumptions that , that all aree immoral beings, that all negro men are not to be trusted with our women. assumption -- thomas jefferson once said that all men are created equal. there is one way in which all men are created equal. there is one human institution the coffers the equals of the rockefeller, the stupid man the equal of an einstein. an ignorant man the equal of any college president. that institution is the court. our courts have their faults, as does any human institution. in this country, our courts are the great levelers. in this country come all men are created equal. i don't firmly hold on to the ideal that our courts are all they are supposed to be. that is no ideal to me. but they are representative of our people. gentlemen, you have heard all the evidence given, you heard the testimony. i would like you to release the defendant to his family. dutye name of g