i can tell you that the buildings have have sorter onsite are performing better. 60% is not being diverted. now trash is shipped to vietnam or mexico and this is not tenable. property managers and building owners will have to pay attention to what is generated inside the walls of their building and have to adjust and not just continue to pay fees and fines. property owners that i can mention right now, of which i will not, we know fired a lot of sorters from buildings because it was cheaper for them to pay the fines. these are the types of things we are trying to fight and correct. i welcome any one of the building owners can , chamber of commerce, can come and walk the buildings at night and see what the sorters are doing. thank you. >> good afternoon, coalition for better housing. please stand by. >> -- we have to continue to do everything we can to get them to have -- take responsibility for the waste that they're generating, as well. so we need some kind of mechanism that will say that if the owner and the property manager's done everything they can to bring levels down, and are still