(sortner) "it angers me that this is happening to my neighborhood that i grew up in.. that i love.. it's angering me that they're getting away with it. so many houses, they're so brazen..." brazen..."investigators believe the theives might be juveniles. since the spike in crime... police have issued nearly 100 citations for curfew violations.they've also inicreased patrols.right now, they're trying to determine if all these cases are related or if there are several suspects still out there. until they're caught, neighbors say they're looking out for eachother.megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. we waat to know... how áyouá are fighting back against crime. tell us what you're doing in your community... tooclean up the streets. call 410-662-1456. a hagerstowon man ...convicted of raping four woman... will spend an extra 50 years behind bars... on top of the 35 he was already serving.40 year old pahvshrun accepted a plea deal in washington county... for the 1998 rape of a woman in smithburg.police say he hid in the victim's car... bound her... and covered her eyes with duct tape.he was alr