so we saw much more of her, more of judge sotoayor's personality. on the law, you name an ise, i catell you how she demreektedhe questioning. - deflected e questioning. sort oin cooperation with the nators as she dflected it. gwen: it seemed ike the democrats an republicans were ther in more interted in criticizing er for her personal belefs or speeche she gave or tgging her wh em and democrats were intested in talking about her personal gooqualities. but very few tked about her jurirudence. >> i thinkthe democrats felt it wasn't in their interes to have president obama first appointeput on the hot seat by anyoner taken down a pat that might ut her in a bo as she rsponded then to republins who would asksome followup questions. you did play the cl about the wise latina comment that she did say tt in many ofher speechesthat she thought a wise latina wan would come to a better dision than a white male bcause of theexperiences of the wan had. d she said, ook, tht was a comment that iade to my audiencesto try to inspire them to become ke me, to become a