timothy patrick soulas. gregory thomas spagnoletti. donald f. spampinato. thomas sparaciao.t w. spear, junior. robert speisman. maynard dissents, junior. george edward spencer, 3. and my uncle. our family misses you. i wish i had the chance to meet you. i love you. >> and my brother, joseph michael. i can't believe it's been 18 years, and you haven't sent me a rainbow lately so i'm waiting. send it soon. >> robert andrew spencer. mary urbina sparano. frank spinelli. william spitz. joseph patrick spor, junior. klaus sprockamp. fitzroy rose. michael stabile. lawrence t. stack. timothy m. stackpole. richard james stadelberger. eric adam stahlman. gregory stajik. alexandra liviu stan. corina stan. mary domenica stanley. rithony starita. jeffrey stark. derek james statkevicus. the triple shot to be 56 patricia statz. william stockman. steen. william r. spiner. alexander robert steinman. edna l. stevens. andrew stergiopoulos. andrew j. stern. norma lang steurle. martha james stephens. michael james stewart. douglas joel stone. bonnie j. stone. jimmy nevill storey. timothy stout.n