one of them was souleymane guenggueng, who you highlighted before. last night with souleymane guenggueng until 1:00 in her hotel room, we were re-watching the reading of the verdict on tv. hard to believe that this day has come, that these victims have finally achieved justice. reed, talk about souleymane guenggueng, who we just saw responding to the verdict. tell us his story. i want to go back to 2008 when we spoke to this chadian activist who spearheaded the case. he described why it was so important to him for habre to be tried. to go to that clip in just a minute. but tell us about what happened to souleymane guenggueng. >> he was a deeply religious civil servant. he was thrown in jail on falls falls charges. as people were dying around him in his prison cell, he took an oath before god that if he ever got out, he would fight for justice. whenhen the prison -- hissene habre was overthrown and the prison doors swung open, souleymane guenggueng got together others and founded the first victim's association and has been fighting since then. many of