as we loo quite the deep sounight. that was creating all to on itstoday, looks like ren impact south this is another are for potential stormy conditiop freezingce and snow spread area. new england stat see mprecipitation. regionng to be the next hours. thontinues stay quite wet. vancouver, up to meep up tocoast, teenses like new y and finally, europe.ettled for a we have a series frontal in place. icy, wintry impact youere's going to be heading i into as medi low is bringing showers a upper balance turkey as well as southern highs onfor london and in vienna. minus 2 forkiev. th forhree day outlook.trying to starve iran of eu slapped an embargo oners want funding to iranure iran to comply with >> i want to stress, howeverre not an end in themselv i have often talked about this being part of a approach sanctions is to put pressure on u countries will stop n crude and oil products and will freeze assets some financial traunds m. representatives of greece and y because their countrie heavily on iranian oil the eu gradually