several times in the last year cambodian airport police have busted chinese citizens bringing in souquet says stuffed with vast sums of money what does it say what does it tell you that some visitors coming into cambodia have been arriving here with suitcases full of millions of dollars in cash how is that possible well. we live in the kingdom of wonder and there are many things to be one. of transparency international a non-governmental organization that combats bribery and for all he's concerned the recent arrests are just the tip of the iceberg. one can put this into perspective if such amount of money can be transported through the airport how much more money can be transported by land or by ship through the ports and with corruption together with loopholes in the law enforcement mechanism it is very convenient for money launderers to look at cambodia as a destination that would be attractive to them. and obviously we have a chinese investors being the number one investor in the country and chinese investor is known to be also exporting corruption and money laundering to the world no