so i considered darwin to be original crowd sourcer to good effect in other areas whenever he would need sort of a big or picture sense of will this work? he would publish an open letter and try to get people to send in send in resultses that really fun and there's one other really interesting aspect to this. this whole enterprise, and this is darwin's openness to seemingly oddest experimentses. so here again we're on the subject of dispersible so francis darwin was known as frankie when he was a kid when he was eight years old he came up with this experiment and darwin described it in a loart to joseph hook tear and he says i must tell you another of my profound experiments you can see he's sort of tongue and cheek propounds. you know. franky said to me job shouldn't a bird be killed by a hawk our lightning or something with seeds in its crop so a bird that is eating seats fly along over ocean and lightning strikes or hail strike it is or something and or poor bird down it goes and it is floating in the seas. and it gets washed up on some foreign shore and it has built in fertilize per