i mean, megyn, i grew up, actually, i lived for a short time in indian harbor beach, florida, just about a dozen miles souththe cape. i watched the first saturn 5 take off. my biggest fear was by the time i was old enough to apply we would have already been to mars and beyond, and all the good stuff would have been over by now. so this is really frustrating to see us just, you know, plod along and slowly dismantle our manned space flight program and lose a huge source of national pride and a big motivation for students all over not just the united states, but the world to succeed in math and science and do great things. megyn: and now you've got more than 7400 people who were once, i mean, these are some top engineers and so on who worked at gnat saw, i mean -- massa, i mean, walking around the kennedy space center offering oral histories. god bless them. i mean, i represent them for offering their expertise, but we could use them for so much more. they're capable of so much more, doc. >> oh, megyn, i was fortunate to have flown on four shuttle missions, and the thing that was so amazing was i got to go aro