classes again and finally finished up and just completed my political science degree at south dakota state university. >> and you attend the commencement will this year and you also spoke at that commencement. tell us about that experience. >> it was such a neat experience. they also allowed me to be the graduating senior speaker. so i he had the opportunity to talk to a lot of students about life that's not necessarily going to always publbe lollipopd bubble gum, there are challenges, but there are also opportunities. there's not very many people who looked back and wished that they hadn't done something, either's more often that they've seen opportunities that they missed. >> how did you prepare to give the speech? >> i wanted to relate to the younger students. a lot are younger than me and i didn't want them to feel as though i didn't have something to offer to them. so i talked a lot about my fath story, but a lot about their plans. when my dad passed away, my entire life changed. theirs may, as well. but to embrace it and know at the end of the day, they should follow their passions. >> her firs