the only south dakota stone are the foundation. there was a lawsuit that attempted to force the building to be built entirely of south dakota stone. that case was not successful and a decision was made to go with the low-paid and that is why it is built was out-of-state stone. right now, we are sending in the rotunda of the capital. looking around, there are four statues here. emptywells actually stood until 1989 and in 1989, the state commissions four statues --integrity, wisdom, courage, and vision are represented by these statues of goddesses who embody those traits. if you look up, there are also four corner areas with flags. obviously, the south dakota flag am a there's dakota territory that reflects the united states. spainare also flags for and france because they control this territory at different times and each corner -- one corner has a white flag, red, black, and yellow. those are native american colors that represent the four directions of a compass. goddessespaintings of that represent agriculture, livestock, industry,