pamela lives in southbridge a former industrial tome near boston to be the old factory buildings are generally . and she set up her studio you know good from each factory. her labor is called piece for. there are two things i like about this. one. one is doing something that matters providing a real option something that animal activists who care and love animals can get on board with and something about for industry can get onboard with i'm not demanding the end to their industry i'm simply suggesting another sourcing methodology. these are baby gear obviously this one's a bit bigger you can see right here where he scraped on the road and see where that little injury right there let me show you this girl i picked this girl up in new hampshire and you can see you see right here she had actually been hit when i picked her up off the road and her whole back hind quarter was really severely damaged so i had to cut around it so when i don't get to it in time and it's a little bit rotten. the bacteria has had a chance to work and the hair slips out and you get these big giant bald spots.