roh hopes to revive his >> ethnic tensions are on the rise in southeast turkey.the kurdistan workers party, the pkk, lifted a ceasefire in may. since then it has carried at several attacks against turkish forces. authorities have promised a tough response. at the same time, the turkish prime minister has pledged reconciliation with the kurds. so far, political reforms have failed to materialize. there is concern that violen and bloodshed wietur to the region. our reporter visited the region to take a look at the impact of the conflict on people there. >> a kurdish former -- former lives not far from the syrian border. the closer it gets to his village, the more upset he becomes. in a voice tinge with rage and grief, he tells the human rights lawyer with him what happened in his village. >> 15 years ago, the village was cleared by the turkish army and partially destroyed. the fighting between the turkish army and the kurdish militant group the pkk stopped after that. some village residents even returned. but he says at the end of june the soldiers from a nearby ar