edison international. we are honored to be here to celebrate the best that california has to offer. it is a fabulous partnership. all of us are working together toward the common good. southern california edison is pleased to be part of the partnership. this partnership promotes open an ongoing collaboration. it is critical to driving advancements in energy efficiency and green technology. you may wonder why a power company would be involved in a partnership that promotes reduced electricity consumption. the answer is simple. energy efficiency is the quickest, cheapest, and easiest way to extend our state's energy supplies. we work hard to get our customers not to buy our products. we have embarked on a program -- [laughter] we have embarked on a program to meet aggressive energy goals. we're the leader in energy efficiency savings. of the last five years, our program has saved 6.5 to lot hours -- kilowatt hours. with also reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 3.4 million metric tons. that is the equivalent of removing 650,000 cars from the road. we will help customers save an additional 4.9 million kilowatt hours to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by another 2.4 million metric