stuart: some states in the southland are aiming to reopen their economy sooner rather than later. come on in, ash. who's doing what and how? ashley: yeah. well, let me begin with south carolina, where the governor has allowed some stores to reopen as early as, well, yesterday. can you believe. yesterday afternoon, only two weeks after asking them to close. department stores, sporting goods stores, flea markets now open in south carolina. in georgia, certain businesses able to reopen as early as friday, including, well, bowling alleys, gyms, fitness centers, hair salons and massage therapy businesses. in tennessee, they are hoping to reopen by may 1st, at which time the governor there, bill lee, says almost all businesses will be allowed to open, in 89 counties, beginning may 1st. that is way ahead of what some of the other states we have heard from, certainly in new york, but those three states really getting on with getting their economies open and running. stuart: you're right. it's a start. glad to see it. thanks, ash. now, local governments have been doling out unemployment be