you can see the images from the airport in rostov-on-don, that city in southwestern russia where thepened. it's astonishing, there's nothing recognizable on the tarmac that you could see that's a piece of an aircraft. it's fragmented into thousands and thousands of pieces, really astonishing. the finger of suspicion or the eye of suspicion is focusing on the weather, very severe weather situation when the first attempt to land was made. that attempt was aborted. incredibly, the plane circled for two hours above the airport before making that second and fatal attempt with the loss of 62 lives, everybody on board. >> matthew, when do they expect to get any information from these data recorders? >> reporter: well, i'm not expecting it to be too quick. i mean, these things take time, obviously. and there will be a very detailed analysis of the cockpit recordings and of the flight data before any firm conclusion is reached. but i think, you know, we're already pretty clear that this wasn't terrorism, that this could have been technical failure, it could have been pilot error. it was most