the newspaper sovetskaya belorussiya reported on july 8: restoration work at the myasnikov plant began immediately after the liberation cities, everyone unanimously decided to work 8 hours on the first day of the mass exit. the workers made 150 picks, 100 crowbars, 85 stretchers, 200 hammers. there was nothing, not even simple shovels, rakes, everything from scratch. reports from the labor front on a par with reports from the front of military operations. they are broadcast on the radio, printed in every issue of soviet belarus under the general motto, let's restore our native minsk. in the newspaper for july 15, there is a new initiative: to improve the work of brick artels. i remember well. that enthusiasm that could be observed in people of different ages, here we are, boys, 7-8 years old, you can't imagine with what pleasure and zeal we went to these ruins, our task was to find a whole brick or at least half a brick, then we would take it down to a certain place, load it manually onto trucks and take it to the construction site, this was extremely important. we began to deal with t