they are all owned jack spade trademark owned by kate spade llc. there is no intervening entity. >> that's what i needed. >> so those are, if you can find, let me just stutter for one moment, there is also the spade mark owned by kate spade. >> okay. thank you. >> may i, can i also make a few more comments. >> yeah because i interrupted you. i'm sorry a little expression of frustration. >> i appreciate that. the one thing i will say, regarding -- i wanted to clarify this my good friend phil lesser i did -- i thought clearly the opposite. he also implied that i'm an attorney representing clients. no. i'm a neighbor and a resident. i'm here na on a personal capacity helping my community and pitching the same battle. regarding the affidavit, i'm curious to know why they chose this because i prefer to have melissa and ceo who preferred to have jack spade be a million dollar enterprise. it seemed to be a much more effective source and much more reliable source. i can very easily go down a corporate chain of someone who doesn't know and have them write a