spadea think you can persuade the south carolinians good right now denigrates you to vote for senatoruld just say sure or maybe or i will try but no she says this. >> will let me talk about south carolinians. they are very independent. stossel: blog, blah and rubio was just as evasive. trump at least answers the questions, we. he is often totally wrong but that was a cheap shot because there are some things trump gets right. this week i dug through my old on-air interviews with trump and found he was sharp about lots of things like the government's unsustainable debt and how welfare encourages freeloading. >> the people that produce and lots of people that don't produce. that can only go so long. stossel: it can only goes along and then what happens? >> it all implodes. stossel: what does implode mean? he's right when the welfare state runs out of other people's money society will implode. one interview ciampi also wanted tax cuts. you once proposed a 14% tax, one-time tax on rich people. >> i think rich people can afford a certain tax but once the taxes paid you can't go above a cert