look at poleshuk’s project, that is, poleshuk’s mentality is still stunned, he will pass on to this spadshinassed on to his generation on tv channel belarus 24. a sacred melody, a sacred distance, the light of a crystal dawn. the light rising above the world, your age-old sadness is incomprehensible. belovezhskaya pushcha, belovezhskaya pushcha, your age-old sadness is incomprehensible, belovezhskaya pushcha, belovezhskaya pushcha, here is our long-forgotten parental shelter and. sometimes i hear the voice of my ancestors calling a gray forest bird from distant centuries, i fly to you. belovezhskaya pushcha shines with its centuries-old centuries. i fly to you. belovezhskaya pushcha. i make my way along an inconspicuous path to the stream, where the grass is high, where it lays down, like my knees i drink from my knees your holy, spring truth, beloveshskaya pushcha generation. from your holy knee, the spring truth of belovezhskaya pushcha near the tall birches, having warmed my heart , i will take it with me in consolation to the living. chant, miraculous chant, belovezhskaya pushcha, belove