spalar's involvement and indeed other players in the region becoming involved, so you know, for britain, politicians should be doing is actually uh is playing an appropriate diplomatic role in in in you know putting pressure on israel to comply with international law, because at the end of the day is israel that are responsible uh for the tragedy that has befallen the uh palestinian people for well 75 years we've seen israel inflicting um appression terrorism upon the people of of palestine and you know we have to call an end to that it seems to me and that's what you know sensible um politicians ought to be doing but instead they they seem to be banging the the drums of war it totally unacceptable and and while they might be getting support in the british media they're not getting support from the british public well when you talk about international law, i'd like to bring your attention, ali mala, if i may to two statements that are made here, first of all, um, you have the israeli energy minister, by the name of cutz, where he said that literally making the announcement that we are b