them come from these law firms according to "politico," jones day, consovay mccarthy and king and spaldingw you're participating in something indefensible. what you are doing is bad and wrong. it's that simple. if you were helping donald trump endanger american democracy, you are working against your country. and remember it is not just the lawyers. it is the political hacks installed at the agencies and the white house staffers who coraled all the interns to waive and cheer as trump headed to a debate where he suggested he would reject any election result that doesn't keep him in the office. some of the people in the republican party are true believers. they're down with the maga mission like steven miller, right? but i think a lot of them have stories they tell themselves about why what they're doing is justified. anyone understands that it is wrong. and these people do have a choice. i mean, one of the most prominent republican election lawyers in the country, a bush v gore guy made clear he wouldn't be a part of this. he called on republicans to stop calling elections rigged and fraudu