see these abuses, and i'm done with those out of town speculators who buy up properties, such as speculatas. in my district, my small businesses are the backbone of my district. the services there actually serve my district's -- i mean, we have hair salons, we have restaurants, we have electronics stores, we have repair shops. these are businesses that thrive in the neighborhood, and as the neighborhood grows, these businesses are even more valuable to the people that live there. the largest population in my neighborhood, largest population or growing population is seniors, and they rely on these close neighborhood small businesses to serve them. and i think that when we don't have a very good database to even track that, i would like to know an analysis, for example, of the small businesses that are empty, the storefronts that are empty in my neighborhood, how long have they been empty, what are the reasons? what can we do? quite frankly, i think that if you are an owner of a commercial space in san francisco, that is your business. you should be using that commercial space as a rental bus