including speilberg's character driven film, and i think this gray area, if we over fictionalize it,word. celebrity actually means one who is celebrated. our celebrities are lampooned and despised and held up, and they are not celebrated. so we need to shift that emphasis and redefine that word and get back to narrative filming. >> you are happy with where movies are and film making? >> yeah, i am happy with my career and i am an actor and now producer. i am producing all -- all of the films i am producing are entirely narrative driven, because the people in the audience, wherever the culture or historical period is, they can say that's me. if you over fictionalize, you are going to snap that. >> mika is excited about the movie with hamsters and guns. >> yeah, transformers, and before that -- >> i have gone into deep shock again. is this true? >> mika does not watch movies. >> life is full of surprises. >> you have -- you obviously have done something great here, because you are able to get groups together, watch the movie, and coming from completely different world views, and thinki