every spelman student is a testimony. a testimony of slavery they had themselves been denied.ation. >> as it had been prophesied. >> one of the major things i think you get from being a young black student at a historically black kol you get to have those conversations about race and about gender, how the two fit together and how that affects what you're thinking, how you're feeling. >> when you're in a place for four years, there's people who look like you and they're achieving, it does do something for your own confidence. so really is space you can grow as a person. >> i went to the windsor school in boston. it's predominantly white. coming from a minority experience to a majority experience, i think it forces me to find an identity other than the obvious. you know, at my high school, who is amir? she's the black girl. here i have to really figure it out. there are so many other intelligent black women here. i want three other people to bring the rest of the suitcases out here. >> college being a place of mental growth, simultaneously can be a place of spiritual growth beca