>> i'm not sure. >> spence jackson was tom's communications director. he lived alone. his body was found last night after his mother was not able to get in contact with him on friday, saturday, or sunday and she got worried. they say he killed himself friday or saturday. the missouri republican party rocked by a second suicide in a month. a reporter from the kansas city star spoke with friends of jackson that say he continued to be angry to the reaction of his friend's suicide. that they would face retribution for their roles in his death. instead it appeared to be dwindling. and so now two men are dead. the party chairman still has his job, katherine hanoway's campaign continues. joining us now is a political reporter and columnist with the kansas city star. is there anything more to add tonight in terms of what we know about this investigation. >> they believe it may be related, but i can tell you that everyone else in missouri, republicans, democrats, other people you talk with think that the two suicides are directly linked and that spence jackson was upset that jo