they later interviewed game scout spencer kakoma. remember him? nto the cabin when he heard that fatal shot. spencer still vividly remembers the scene and how larry was behaving. how chaotic was it in the cabin? she's dead. he's freaking out. people are trying to figure out what happened. exactly. andrea canning (voiceover): during the chaos in the cabin, spencer also heard larry say something stunning. andrea canning (voiceover): to spencer, who had just spent several days with bianca on safari, suicide seemed unimaginable. no, no, no, no. that didn't make sense to you that she would kill herself on the last day of the trip? andrea canning (voiceover): spencer said larry also changed his story, suggesting that bianca's death was an accident. andrea canning (voiceover): one person the fbi didn't interview in zambia that we did was godfrey necube, the manager of the rudolph's hunting camp. he, too, descended on the cabin that morning. you insisted that larry go to the police department? yes, yes. why was it so important for you that larry go to the