spend austin myers patient today also has arthritis in the right knee.the specialist is performing an arthroscopy the cartilage is smoothed out and the joint is flush to clean it out. the problem is that statutory health insurance companies in germany don't pay for the surgery anymore. one of the companies commissioned a study and concluded that arthroscopy were ineffective. flushing out the joint was pointless its benefits a myth. how do orthopedic specialists feel about this decision the islands are some say it's an outrage on the say so what i've always done things differently anyway clay can't choose as freely as we could in the ponds as i wish for you. as a result of patients who respect your tree health insurance bought from the possibility of a useful thing. i. can tell people. it was here in cologne at the institute for quality and efficiency in health care that knee arthroscopy is were declared a myth. the assessor stephan's our law and spent eighteen months reading anonymizing everything written by scientists about arthroscopy is. a trained med