it is not just a frail elderly issue, it is not just a spenddown issue. and, you know, josh and steven will, you know, fistfight over whether that's a problem or not. i don't care. the point is that it is bigger than just that. so medicaid's role, medicaid is and, um, you know, i think mark sort of skimmed over the fact that, well, medicare does a lot, and it's, it is -- but it is short-term care. medicaid is the payer of long-term care in this country. and why is, why is that the case? i think that the primary reason goes back to my earlier point about pragmatism. you know, 30 years ago medicaid didn't do much in the way of long-term care. medicaid basically paid for nursing home coverage. and only for people with, you know, with no item and very, very serious disabilities. there's a lot of people in nursing homes. nobody wants to be in a nursing home, and nursing homes are very, very expensive. so, basically, since about '81, '82 with the advent of what we call waivers, you know, states have been reforming the medicaid program to say, you know what? peo