the regime seems to have spiled. -- spite of this about every one of its citizens. -- spyed on just about every one of its citizens. there are also photos of people wanted by the regime. they're not just watching ordinary citizens. >> the also spied on the authorities. >> this was also an interior ministry building. during the war, the complex was used for military purposes. it was a target of nato bombardment. this also houses a women's prison. only her mother dared to come visit her. >> you heard my prayer and i give you my thanks. >> this man says that the mass grave was discovered nearby. this woman says she is not out for revenge. she would like her tormentors to get a fair trial. she would like the new libya to be governed by the rule of law. she would like to continue fighting for these principles after the revolution. >> the future remains uncertain for many in the be it including african migrants who are still in the country. gaddafi recruited many sub- saharan africans into his arm forces. it is hard to distinguish between the migrants and to those who were recruited by gaddafi