joining me is kathy spiller. for being here tonight. >> thank you. >> first, before we go on, i should note that msnbc cannot confirm that roder is the caller on the tape but prison officials in kansas tell uses there are, quote, reasonable indications that the man on the call is in fact the convicted murderer. so kathy, what's your response to this tape? >> well, i think it's a very serious threat against the new clinic and other parts of that audiotape they talk specifically about the new director, julie burkhart. they talk about a target on her back. in fact, they go so far to talk about the idea of maybe if we kill enough doctors, we will be able to end abortion in this country. this is nothing short of domestic terrorism and a threat being used in an effort to intimidate women and men who are providing very vitally needed health reproductive services. it's frightening because we don't know the extremist network that might next pick up the gun. >> kathy, 8 down, 92 to go. here's what the caller told david lea