raising the debt ceiling is not the same as approving more spinding. any more than making your monthly payments adds to the total cost of your truck. you don't say, well i'm not going to pay my bill, my note for my truck, because i'm going to save money. no, you're not saving money. you already bought the truck. right? you have to pay the bills. you're not saving money. you might have decided at the front end not to buy the truck. but once you bought the truck you can't say you're saving money just by not paying the bills. does that make sense? >> so raising the debt ceiling, it doesn't cost a dime and does not add a penny to our deficits, all it says is, you've got to pay for what congress already said we're spending money on. if you don't do it, we could have another financial crisis. and the fact is, i know a lot of people are concerned about deficits, our deficits are now coming down so quickly but that by the end of this year, we will have cut them in more than half since i took office. [ applause ] cut deficits in half. i just want to break this