it opens you up to spitual exrience it does not solve the question of whether goode exists. i don't think it is ever going to do that. because i think, but maybe they will figure it out, we don't know how this three pounds of meat creates emotion or how emotion rewires the meat. but that's sort of a divine act of creation. >> rose: that's where we've just begun. >> but we can, you can see the mechanism throughwhich spiritual states happen. so there is scientist med andrew newberg who studies people who are under meditative trances. and they have different brain functions depending on the theology, funly enough. but some people when they are in a meditative transthey lose, they achieve a sense of oneness. and according tohis research, the par of the brain that allows us to be are of where our bod is, th becomes less active. and so you see the mechanism. and a loof the neuroscientists are very-- a lot of them are sort of materialistic. maybe atheist, there is diversity but they have a respect for meditation, for dali lam, they go to tibet and-- . >> rose: it is almost how to--