weiner and spitwrer.nd fiowa lener, democrats. >> you must have lost touch with viter and larry craig knocking on your bathroom door and i think that wayne has it. i think wayne has it. it is because victori secret is forced over seas and they afford cheap panties. >> oh, my lord, what did the show come to. >> this type of behavior would never fly in corporate america. a ceo, juan you say oh, my god they lost their job. >> that's what i was saying. >> of course this dpz on in corporate america. >> but juan, they lose their jobs. this guy is still in office. >> we have a democracy. >> break it up. >> and lien to this one. what about the defense. you forgot to give me sexual harrassment training. >> we should not subsiddize that. don't sexually harass them. and don't put your hand on them and don't tell young women to not wear under wear to work and we shouldn't pay for his training or attorney's fees. >> we say thank you toicatey and juan williams are joining us. >> fst nsa and myother made the best toffee