i read what you said-- spivak was when he came back. there was quite a scene when he interrupted his campaign to come back and i remember i was testifying at the time. michelle davis, who is here with me today, and was sitting behind him was testifying and handed me a note. my blood sorter brand cold right there. she said to me now, if someone asks you about john mccain coming back, just simply say i welcome the involvement of everyone in this and so one because i think she was afraid what might come out of my mouth. [inaudible] specie talk to me on the flight on the way down. in any event, so but, as it turns out, and again, it was a couple of days of anxiety, but again, john mccain when he was back spent time with the house republicans rallying them and so, he did his part. and then even after we got the t.a.r.p., he did not jump on or criticize some of the things we had done, which again were very unpopular. the american people, and i'm proud of the fact that at one level the american people, none of us like bailout so again, i looke