second by spl visor campos. supervisor wiener made motion to continue the item is there a objection? without objection this is continued to the next week on june 9, 2015. madam clerk can you call the next item >> item 30 is the resolution authrising the earn litigated claim against the city [inaudible] 1.3 million plus interest and cost following the embesalment [inaudible] as a matter of public discloser supervisor kim mar and christensen is [inaudible] there is no conflict of interest >> colleagues same house and call? without objection this resolution is adopted unanimously >> item 31 is a resolution to [inaudible] intonegz of board of supervisors renew and [inaudible] levy and multiyear assessment [inaudible] engineers report and [inaudible] in ordering and setting a time and place for the publichering >> same house and call? without objection this resolution sudopted >> item 32 twoe is a ordinance amending the administrative code to [inaudible] fire safety task force to make recommendations on proposed legi