>>>you got to watch tte hhgh cooking things with low sugar, baking suggr brown splenda, no %-one willgaining thattwe are continuing to do as we go %-throogh. -t's important to strrcture your eating and have a plan beeooe ú% tte party and havv food boundarres going in so we don't keep adding the pounds yyar after yeaar >> dooyou have any uggestions for us.ú -hat is a good pplnnto have >> always have some kind oo protein high loo fattsaaisfyingú having the one plate andú deciding i'm ot ging to have two plates aad having a ittle bit offeveeything and enjoyinn it and maybe i'm ging toohave the essert i really want butt3 i'm not going to have 2 or 3 desserts. it's not that all sugars are out of line. >> deeinitely. ú% because you have to enjoy the holidaas. >> definiteey. >>deeinitely portion control is the number of plates yyu'rrú gettingg >> number f plates and portion controll a llt of eopleewill wait unnil %-the party and save all the >> what about theesymptoms of diabetes. if we do find ourselvessfeeling ú% different what should we be lighhheadeddor lushed, get a swwat kindd f feel n