the splm, who fought decades against the islamic north.the welcome is for the president of south sudan. addressing the crowd, he lambast the sudanese president, accusing him of trying to grab the oil- rich along the north/south border. the splm is not challenging the president and has withdrawn its candidate citing alleged world fraud. hoping for an amicable divorce from the north, it looks to some like a strategic move. some people suggest is a convenient for you if the president were to win the presidency for the country. is that something you agree with? >> well, it does not really matter. he will win the elections. >> they did not seem too worried about the president. many said that is because here in the south of sudan, the real focus is on next year, a referendum with possible independence for the south. an event which is prompting some people to leave. the number of worshipers here has been dropping as muslims move from the christian dominated south to the islamic north. they hope there will be a mixture whether or not the country s